Thursday, August 2, 2012

Time to get rid of the term "Information Literacy"?

  • Information Literacy
  • Information AND Literacy
  • Information OR Literacy
  • Information NOT Literacy
  • Information Skills?
  • Research Skills?
  • Lifelong Learning Skills?
Don't get me started with all the other, mostly specialized, "literacy" and "competency" and "skill" models out there. If this is how I feel about the what of library instruction, imagine how our faculty and students feel about that, as well as the more important why:

To me, the base of all of this is "information." This encompasses, at least to my understanding, anything and everything a student encounters (or a faculty or library teaches or facilitates access to) during the learning process. "Literacy" is far more problematic. It implies, to many, a far too basic connotation. In other words, in our society "illiterate" means not being able to read, which comes with a stigma. "Skills," set on a continuum from basic to expert, seems more appropriate to me, with "competencies" perhaps reserved for internal/assessment use.

Your thoughts?

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