(update: the site this link goes to from 2010 is going away, so I'm reproducing it here)
I posted a brief article on my workplace blog that I figured I'd link to here:
Can Students Tell the Difference?
It discusses the problems students face in identifying the types and usefulness of information they find in online library databases.
Screenshot from Academic Search Complete |
What you’re looking at above is a screenshot of three search results from one of the library databases,
Academic Search Complete.
To be upfront, I doctored the search to get this screenshot in order to
illustrate a point: many of our students cannot discern, especially in
the online environment, the source of the information they are using,
nor understand the potential differences in perspective and bias that
are the result of this. As the image illustrates, the problem we all
know exists when students ‘Google’ something (i.e., the very wide
variety and quality of results; evaluating quality), also presents
complications for students when using a library research database, even
one called “Academic Search Complete!”
The problem isn’t necessarily one of students’
lack of attention to the details in front of them (journal title, year,
etc.) or not knowing what a scholarly resource is supposed to look like.
Those can certainly be contributing factors, but a larger problem is
caused by the unifying and democratizing nature of the online medium
itself. In most of the larger research databases these days,
peer-reviewed journal articles sit alongside trade and popular magazine
articles, as well as newspaper articles, conference reports,
dissertations and theses, encyclopedia entries, and even e-books. On the
surface, as the image above shows, there is little that distinguishes
these different kinds of information sources to the untrained eye.
As experienced scholars and expert researchers
we know all the little things that might (or might not) help us
determine the source of a piece of information, even through the
homogenizing ‘skin’ of an online database. We know how to read
critically. We know the basic elements of presenting research results
and where to look for author affiliations. The problem is that students
are neither comfortable yet with the issues, knowledge or even language
of their field of study, nor experienced in using scholarly materials
and search tools in general.
When you don’t know what questions to ask, you tend not to ask any questions at all.
As a result, students often take (and then
quote in their papers) whatever results show up in a search, regardless
of who wrote them, when or why they were published, or even if they
don’t directly support their argument. Again, this is not the fault, in
most cases, of the students themselves. The sad truth is that most
students entering higher education (everywhere and of all ages, not just
our own learners) have not yet encountered the need or been motivated
to acquire the skills needed to critically read, evaluate, synthesize,
and most importantly create new information. This is becoming especially
true when a majority of that information is in a wide variety of
electronic and multimedia formats.
I don’t have any easy solutions to this issue. The library has taken some initial steps in this battle with our
Information Skills Tutorial and our
@Home Library Workshops.
But these limited and voluntary learning opportunities can only go so
far. Successfully and sustainably tackling the urgent need for better
information, research, and critical thinking skills in our new and
graduating students will probably need a college- and even SUNY-wide
collaborative effort; an effort that will require input and effort from
faculty, administrators, instructional designers, student support staff,
librarians and more.
My hope is that a growing discussion on these issues here at Empire
State College is a good place to start. There are certainly short-term,
as well as long-term things we can do to begin.